Now That Mercury’s Direct ~ 14 Jun 2015

Whew! Mercury’s direct again. With two bouts of long-term Internet outage and routine air-conditioning maintenance (yeah, it’s back to being hot in Arizona) that caused two additional repair/service calls and two other glitchy things I seem to be forgetting, the impact was undisputedly felt in my neck of the woods.

During Mercury retrograde, a mysterious Windows icon appeared in my computers’ action centers. Hmm. Cautiously, I investigated. It seems Microsoft intends to install free upgrades to Windows 10 on all my computers. Wait! Didn’t Microsoft offer some ridiculous sum of money to beta test their stuff a few years ago? Nope. That was a scam.

Investigating this Windows offer reveals it is true. So Microsoft offers a computer update under Mercury in Gemini retrograde. Seriously!? Who is their astrologer!? And if you’re in the Apple/Mac camp, they had their stuff, too; still, the Windows situation is a good example.

Let’s see... by offering free Windows 10 upgrades Microsoft can standardize their Windows support platforms and staffing and achieve, ideally, one consolidated program for support. They can ditch support for Windows 7, 8 and anything before. Save money, resources, time, personnel. Hmm. That’s a good idea. Modify the existing operational platforms. Say, now that all makes sense. Good use of Mercury retrograde, Microsoft! And there’s another motivation I read they had too, but I’m not remembering where I filed that link.

That’s right. As Mercury went direct, Neptune in Pisces turned retrograde. So as the mental stimulation sorts out, instinct, intuition and spiritual input might need a reminder to feel those things in their appropriate arena. You know, how can you sort the logic of a seed thought, an inspired moment or a spiritual revelation? This is Neptune in Pisces, which is a double dip into the extrasensory of the extrasensory. Stay tuned to stay fit.

Within hours of this post Saturn returns to Scorpio. Know all those things you’ve been working to know? All those bits of wisdom scattered about that need to be stacked into consciousness? Saturn’s here to order that stuff for you. Know how you know the excitement and joy of figuring something out? Saturn, back in Scorpio for pretty much the solstice season, reminds you that it’s not about head knowing. Saturn wants knowledge in his domain... felt in the bones. Scorpio prods for intellectual information to infuse and assimilate in the spiritual dna. When it goes there, it’s never forgotten.

Bring those ideas into knowledge factors and bring it home. That’s the ticket.

As I write this post the two most combustible objects in the solar system stand hand in hand in Gemini. Mars and the Sun bounce on the sidelines of the sporting match of life itching for all the relevant national anthems to be played. They cannot wait to get on the field, the pitch, or in the game. It’s like if you bought a new car on the weekend and want to show it to everyone at work, you have to wait until work and work days. With ideas and insights, there’s a blurry itching to get those on track and in play, too, so everyone can see.

Okay, fine. Remember, Mercury is just coming off a station in Gemini. Extra fact checking does not make a person appear OCD, especially when logic hiccups are spotted. Taking an extra moment to return from meditation or a respite from mental stimulation feeds the Neptune station in a good way. Allowing all information to assimilate in the system, get into all necessary subroutines ensures no good data blips will be ignored, and permits comprehension of the concept. Saturn likes that.

Now that Mercury is direct and you’re feeling all, if you can’t wait to get started according to the gospels of eager Mars and full-on Sun in Gemini, take a few moments for mental repositioning and soulful saturation. It does an active, eager body good.

More soon.